Awesome Healing Acupuncture Services
You can Find the Root Cause of your symptoms and Restore Optimal Health!
Specialties include: Allergies, Auto-Immune Disorder, Digestive Issues,
Women's Health and Pain Management
Dr. Veronica Joseph, DOM
Doctor of Oriental Medicine
Welcome to where you will find information about the services of Veronica Joseph:
Offering acupuncture and oriental medicine and related alternative services in New Mexico as a licensed Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM), doing business as Awesome Healing Acupuncture.
Offering in a separate practice, her services as an Energy Healing Practitioner and T’ai Chi Chih® Accredited teacher anywhere in the United States.
Offering publications, podcasts, and a variety of educational online courses and weekly guided meditations to the public.
Awesome Healing Services
Awesome Healing Acupuncture Modalities
Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit
We help women and men heal their allergies and digestive issues by resolving the root cause of their symptoms, so they can promote health and wellness.
Our mission is to help our patients rejuvenate and improve their quality of life. All services and treatments are personalized and customized based on their needs.
Awaken to Wellness: Improve your gut, restore optimal vitality, and live your Best Life!
In- Person Services
Namudripad's Allergy
Elimination Techniques
It's possible to Desensitize the allergies to bring the body into Normal state.
Can Activate the body's natural painkiller, reduce pain and balance the organ system.
Wholistic Kinesiology
A system designed to ascertain the best supplements and herbs that could be beneficial for you by muscle testing.
Please read my Disclaimer regarding my licensed acupuncture and oriental medicine practice.
Awesome Healing Energy Services
In my energy healing practice, I work with clients in a number of areas including, energy balancing for health and well-being, intuitive assessments, stress management, and life transitions. My mission is to help my clients grow and transform to their full potential so that they can achieve their goals and enjoy life fully.
I am trained in several innovative energy-based methods that are designed to restore the balance of energy within the body, mind, and spirit of the client.
Please be advised that I do not provide acupuncture, oriental medicine or any other licensed health care services in my energy healing practice and offer my services solely under New Mexico’s Unlicensed Health Care Practice Act.
Please read my Disclaimer regarding my energy healing practice.
Awesome Healing Energy Modalities
Virtual Services
Medical Intuitive Assessment
Energy Balancing
Designed to promote wellness by activating energy centers and balancing energetic pathways with the intention to bring the body into harmony.
Universal Rays
Designed to help to unblock and release unresolved energies with the intention to bring love, healing, peace, and joy within.