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While in labor with my son, I had an allergic reaction to anesthesia which caused a high fever and hallucination. After the incident, I experienced abdominal cramps, bloating and gas --after eating certain foods. It was overwhelming for me to take care of my son, so I felt weak, isolated and sad. I had a colicky baby that cried most of the night; and after my son had a stomach virus, he became more sensitive to foods. He developed red, itchy skin on both legs and scaly patches on his scalp. After taking antibiotics, due to strep throat, his eczema got worse and he had hives.


As a mother, I became hopeless, and helpless, seeing my son suffer to the point of having suicidal thoughts.


NAET (Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques) helped my son tremendously. In addition to NAET, Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine restored my health back to normal and have a fulfilling life. After my personal experience, I decided to pursue degrees and specialize in allergies, digestive issues, autoimmune disorder, women's health issues and pain management.


Now, ​I am passionate about helping women resolve the root cause of their allergy symptoms & digestive issues with holistic medicine, and activate their innate healing power so they can achieve optimum health.


If I can overcome my own challenges, so can YOU!

Dr. Veronica Joseph

Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist,  Holistic Health and Energy Healing Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, T'ai Chi Chih Accredited Teacher and 2X #1 International Best Selling Author of "It is Done" and "Unlocking Your Super Life"



My Story

Please note*
Veronica Joseph has 2 separate practices, one offering acupuncture, oriental medicine and related alternative services in New Mexico as a licensed Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM), doing business as Awesome Healing Acupuncture.

In her other practice, she offers complementary and alternative health care services under New Mexico’s Unlicensed Health Care Practice Act, doing business as Awesome Healing Energy Services. Please refer to her separate Disclaimers for each practice for further information.


  •  Master's degree in Oriental Medicine Southwest Acupuncture College in Albuquerque, N.M. 

  • Certified Diplomate in Oriental Medicine by NCCAOM (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine), 

  • Licensed Doctor of Oriental Medicine in New Mexico 

  • Licensed Acupuncturist in California.  

  •  Certified NAET (Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques) Specialist

  • Certified Universal Rays Healing Practitioner

  • Certified in Wholistic Kinesiology

  • Certified Reiki Master

  • Accredited T'ai Chi Chih Teacher

  • Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner, CMIP®

Other Interests:


  • The Master's Way, Path of Light

  • The Master's Way, Path of Love

  • The Path of One Heart

  • The Caretaker of Sacred Light

  • Sacred Geometry

  • The Akashic Records

  • T'ai Chi Chih

  • Meditation

  • Mentors of Love and Wisdom

  • Medical Intuition

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